Instants is a proposal -an expanded book- exhibited at Peckham Space London- Potlatch Pals.
The book title evokes short moments in which connectivity with other people took place, reflecting the multicultural identity in the Peckham area. This could be a brief perception, a glance, a smile, something that was heard. It attempts to document the insights of these perceptions, capturing and translating them into creativity form with imagery and words.
Our everyday commitments keep us busy and might overwhelm our own direct perceptions of the world around us. This might deprive us of observing closely, getting a feel for, and embracing simple moments in which we might feel empathetic towards other people around us.
The texts and images for the book will be like pieces of a broken mirror that resemble different facets of us. My inspiration has been driven by my experience as a foreigner in England and the connectivity I encounter with other people. When I translate these perceptions I feel for other people’s experiences and empathise with them, exalt life as journey through identity.